Builder Examples:

▸ Builder Quick Review

Computer Building Sim in Java

To demonstrate the Builder Pattern in Java, we'll be creating our own PC part builder that pieces together a computer when we've picked out all the parts we want for it.

The Computer Class

// Our complex computer class that isn't too friendly to construct without some help:
public class Computer
   String computerName
   String cpu;
   String gpu;
   int gigsOfRam;
   boolean gigabitEthernet;
   boolean bonusPorts;
   boolean rgbLights;

   public Computer(String computerName, String cpuName, String gpuName, int gigsOfRam, 
   boolean hasGigabitEthernet, boolean hasBonusPorts, boolean hasRGBLights)
       this.computerName = computerName;
       this.cpu = cpuName;
       this.gpu = gpuName;
       this.gigsOfRam = gigsOfRam;
       this.gigabitEthernet = hasGigabitEthernet;
       this.bonusPorts = hasBonusPorts;
       this.rgbLights = hasRGBLights;

   public void PrintStats()
       System.out.println("Specs for: " + this.computerName);
       System.out.println("CPU: " + this.cpu);
       System.out.println("GPU: " + this.gpu);
       System.out.println("RAM: " + this.gigsOfRam);
       System.out.println("Gigabit Ether: " + this.gigabitEthernet);
       System.out.println("Bonus Ports: " + this.bonusPorts);
       System.out.println("RGB Lights: " + this.rgbLights);


The Computer Builder

public class ComputerBuilder
   // Copy the fields from Computer:
   String computerName
   String cpu;
   String gpu;
   int gigsOfRam;
   boolean gigabitEthernet;
   boolean bonusPorts;
   boolean rgbLights;

   // Set methods (with return statements for daisy-chaining):

   public ComputerBuilder SetName(String computerName)
       this.computerName = computerName;
       return this;

   public ComputerBuilder SetCPU(String cpuName)
       this.cpu = cpuName;
       return this;

   public ComputerBuilder SetGPU(String gpuName)
       this.gpu = gpuName;
       return this;

   public ComputerBuilder SetRamSize(int gigs)
       this.gigsOfRam = gigs;
       return this;

   public ComputerBuilder HasGigabitEthernet(boolean state)
       this.gigabitEthernet = state;
       return this;

   public ComputerBuilder HasBonusPorts(boolean state)
       this.bonusPorts = state;
       return this;

   public ComputerBuilder HasRBGLights(boolean state)
       this.rgbLights = state;
       return this;

   // The builder method that returns a computer based on the parameters placed in:
   public Computer BuildComputer()
       return new Computer(this.computerName, this.cpu, this.gpu, this.gigsOfRam, 
       this.gigabitEthernet, this.bonusPorts, this.rgbLights);


Using our Builder

public class Solution
   public static void main(String[] args)
       // Let's build a computational overlord:
       ComputerBuilder builder = new ComputerBuilder();

       builder.SetName("GlaDHAL 9001")
           .SetCPU("i9001 OctaCore 128GHz");
           .SetGPU("XRT 48910 2TB Dedicated Ram")
           // RGB is more important to world domination than you'd think..

       // IT'S ALIVE!
       Computer theSingularity = builder.BuildComputer();

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